Monday, January 20, 2014

Yard Work!

How boring could it be for me to post about doing yard work? A picture would help, but I forgot to take a before and ow it is dark, so I can't take an 'after'. I have a helper who as of late has not been very helpful, so my yard work has been behind. I really have not ever gotten all the leaves up from the fall! There was pine straw on the roof and just a mess everywhere. Since it was almost 70 degrees today I decided today was the day, so my dear friend Rusty helped me clean up a lot of the leaves and got the roof cleaned off for me. We worked for about four hours so I am satisfied with that. I have more to do of course, but the temperature is dropping in a few days. This has been a cold, but snow free winter. Something tells me that there will be no snow in Dublin this year. I think my northern friends have gotten more that their share this year. I would like to spend more time in NYC and western NY during the different seasons. I have mostly been there in the summer. I would like to travel there and play in the snow, watch it and drive around and see the trees with no leaves. I have never skied or snowmobiled. I would like to ice skate, but I know I would fall and I don't want to risk that. I would like to make a big fat snowman and have a good snowball fight! It is so cold that I think I need to head south pretty soon. It is too dreary here.

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