Sunday, January 19, 2014

Shoving Off!

I suspect this will be an occasional chronicle of my life as I move into the next phase of my life. I retired from a 34 year career with the State of Georgia as a therapist on December 1st, 2013. I have really enjoyed the last six weeks. I traveled and I finally am settled down with my routine back at home. I absolutely love retirement. I may want to work again, but right now I am enjoying my rest and really appreciating time to get back in touch with who I am. I am living in Dublin and I am trying to improve my home. I have closed my office and the middle of my living room is full of boxes that have to be unpacked. I have to first clean out my back room and office in order to get everything in place. I have a bit of a pack rat in me and this is really a big challenge for me. I tend to want to keep things for "later". I also have numerous collections that all take space. I have ten sets of dishes, crystal, vases, books, yarn, clothes, jewelry, art, four guitars, various other collections. I am going to do some downsizing. I have read several articles about this, and all of the suggestions make sense, but it is difficult to translate into action. I bought a big screen TV that I love and beetween that and my computer I have been doing a lot of reading and watching movies. I am going the gym and getting up in the mornings rather than sleeping in. I am only getting about six hours of sleep a night. Sometimes a take a nap, but I tend not to. I plan to spend more time with my Mother in Florida. I guess I will blog some events and experiences, sharing with others and learning from others. I welcome feedback and comments, if nothing more than to know you are out there reading! Right now I am watching the AFC championship game between Denver and New England. Right now Denver is winning and I suspect they will be playing in the Super Bowl this year.


  1. Way to go always have good insight when asked for advice, and I will enjoy reading about your adventures in retirement and the wisdom acquired thus far!!

    1. Hey Duane! Why don't you do a blog too! Express yourself!

  2. Is this really THE Mark Keck? or his better half? Thanks, Who knows, maybe this will turn into a best seller!!!!

  3. Rhonda...good to know you find retirement so enjoyable. I think I will try it in a couple of years.I once read that you are supposed to retire TO something not FROM something. Right now, I have things to do but , but the job isn't that onerous yet, but is becoming more of a young person's occupation. Happy Martin Luther King a and Robert E. Lee day? You ARE a daughter of the new South!

    1. In the New South there are a lot more gardening opportunities. I think it would help if we didn't use the word retirement. It is so old school and conjurs up our parents and grandparents sitting around in ill health, losing their vitality and moving one step closer to the nursing home. I understand that Western New Yorkers are transitioning to living in igloos?
